Fertile Focus

Also, figuring out your most fertile dates will help if you’re trying to get pregnant quickly. About 10 to 15 days after your period begins, you will drop eggs into your uterus. Yeah, that's right .too much can cause your cervical fluid to dry up, and that can just about ruin your chance of ever getting pregnant.

So you must be extremely careful to avoid getting megadoses of Vitamin C (especially during cold and flu season where we're often advised to load up on vitamin C).

Fertile-Focus: A personal ovulation microscope that helps women predict ovulation by examining a sample of saliva. Fertile-Focus works based on a phenomenon called ?ferning,?

How to nail the difficult task of determining exactly when you ovulate so you never miss your "fertile window" again? The amazing 2-step shortcut to conceiving your much wanted baby (how to quickly make changes that will optimize your fertility even if you're not even sure you're ovulating) How to use ancient Chinese medicine to prime your body for pregnancy.

The book in question allows you to exactly determine your ovulating time, so you know exactly when you are most likely to get pregnant.


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