First Signs of Being Pregnant

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Many women will experience pregnancy symptoms, and notice different signs of being pregnant, some women don't feel pregnant. Sometimes signs and symptoms of being pregnant can be confused with other illnesses. The following are some of the most common signs of being pregnant. A lot of women will experience morning sickness, as it is one of the main signs of being pregnant. Some lucky women will never have to experience morning sickness.

Frequent Urination

If you are experiencing frequent urination this could be a pregnancy sign that confirms that you are pregnant. You could have pregnancy symptoms two weeks after conception. Frequent urination is caused by the pressure that is put on it by your baby. Accelerated levels the pregnancy hormone progesterone stimulate the bladder muscles, so that if feels full even though you might not have to urinate. Out of all the pregnancy symptoms and signs, frequent urination can be the most irritating.

Darkening of The Areola

The darkening of the areola is one of the first physical symptoms of pregnancy and can occur throughout your entire pregnancy. If you do happen to notice the darkening of the areola, this is considered one of the signs and symptoms of being pregnant.

Feeling Tired All The Time

A lot of women will feel be fatigued as a pregnancy symptom. Even though this is a sign of being pregnant, it is possible to indicate other things.

Morning Sickness

Another common sign of being pregnant is vomiting and nausea. Morning sickness is one of the most feared symptoms of all the pregnancy symptoms. Morning sickness is a common symptom of being pregnant and can be felt as 5 to 6 weeks into their pregnancy. Some women will experience morning sickness as early as two weeks after conception. Pregnant women can experience morning sickness any time during the day, and can range from vomiting and nausea to an occasional faint sensation. Morning sickness pregnancy symptoms usually go away after the first trimester.

Breast Tenderness

Another one of the first signs of being pregnant is the changing of size and the feel of your breast. This symptom can occur just a few days after conception. Your breast get bigger to get ready for breastfeeding. A lot of women state that their breasts are very sensitive and experience a sharp tingling sensation.

Reasons for Missed Period

Another main sign and symptom of being pregnant is missing a period. Even though missing a period is the most common sign of becoming pregnant, reasons for missed period can also be caused by stress, illness, weight fluctuations, and when a woman stops talking the pill. Irregular periods are a common sign of polycystic ovary syndrome. This is a condition in which women have their periods several months apart. This can also be one of the first signs of being pregnant.

Smell and Taste Sensitivity

Things that used to taste or smell good to you before you were pregnant could now make you feel nauseous. Some women have a metallic taste in their mouth. If you find that your favorite food is making you vomit now, this could be one of the first signs of being pregnant.

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